Grow Nutrition is rooted in the belief that Good Food is Essential to Health.
My Philosophy
Nutrition change doesn’t happen in isolation. My approach integrates support for stress, sleep, mindset, movement and habit change.
Everyone is different. (Thank goodness!) Let’s celebrate you. I meet you where you are right now on your health journey. We take on change at a pace that’s right for you.
I encourage small changes, so that they stick! These change build upon one another to transform how you feel and think, and to help you believe in what’s possible for your health.
I want you to feel heard and understood. Together, we’ll create actionable steps toward your health goals, calling out your wins to help inspire persistence and a growth mindset.
The Power of Real Food
What you eat directly affects how you feel.
Many people experience a variety of non-specific symptoms, from headaches, joint pain and digestive upset to fatigue, anxiety, brain fog and weight gain.
Often these symptoms stem from similar underlying causes, such high blood sugar, leaky gut, chronic infections, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, toxicity, autoimmunity, poor sleep and stress — to name a few.
Choosing good nutrition and practicing other healthy lifestyle behaviors supports health plain and simple. It helps us feel better, in many ways.
But achieving nutrition goals on your own isn’t easy, trying to sort through all of the confusing information out there. I got you.
What is Nutrition Therapy?
Nutrition therapy is a comprehensive and individualized approach to helping you improve your health through nutrition.
Specific foods, eating routines, targeted supplementation and lifestyle and mindset changes all play a part.
Click here to learn about my program.
Change can feel hard. Emotionally and practically. Each person faces different roadblocks. Maybe you love to cook, but you’re short on time. Or you don’t like to cook and your partner eats differently. You travel a lot. You’re on a budget. You have wicked cravings! The list goes on.
I’ll help you make impactful changes, one step at a time, simply, by helping you with the how piece of nutrition — the tactical side of making healthy changes where good intentions often steer off course.
I am committed to helping you make changes big and small, changes that fuel your motivation to keep going, and growing, along your health journey.
What is holistic nutrition?
Holistic nutrition is grounded in science and approaches human health and systems of the body as an interconnected whole. In this view, nutrition is one of many lifestyle factors that support body, mind and spirit. Others include stress management, sleep, exercise, social connections and relationships, and spirituality (be that religious faith or passions for painting, hiking, playing music or volunteering, for example). Lifestyle factors are interdependent. For example, a poor diet may impact mood and sleep quality. Poor sleep may increase stress, which may impact relationships and lead to poor food choices.
Quality = lack of additives and pesticides, and animals fed their natural diet. Local and seasonal, if we’re going for peak nutrition. If, like most people, you eat some or many processed foods, fear not the judgment here! Let’s face it, processed food is convenient, often cheap, has deep roots in our culture and man, it can be tasty! Working together, our focus will be on incorporating more whole foods into the diet, not to achieve some abstract ideal of what’s “good nutrition” but to support your health.
Nutrient needs vary by individual and what makes a “healthy diet” is based on a person’s health status, age and phase of life, gender, stress level, allergies, genetics and other factors. For some clients, I suggest supplemental nutrients to support specific health conditions, from ADHD and depression to diabetes and heart disease.
For many, eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures, while others view food merely as fuel. And for many, eating can be a negative experience due to digestive or other symptoms or a history of disordered eating. Regardless of your goals and health background, my recommendations aim to support a healthy relationship with food.
Holistic nutrition respects cultural differences and philosophical and religious beliefs that influence each person’s food choices.